About me

Hi There, this is Shawn.



updated on Nov. 7, 2016

PwC offer received. Thanks PwC.


updated on Nov. 15, 2016

offer signed. A busy day..


updated on Dec. 21, 2016

PwC Offeree Celeberation... #Keep Calm and the Auditor is Coming#


updated on Mar. 18, 2017

#The end of my academic journey# Successfully passed the Final Dissertation Defense with the title of The Best Master Dissertation of SPI 2017

(Left to Right) A/Prof. Song Lilei(宋黎磊), Dean/Prof. Men Honghua(门洪华), Dean/Prof. of Shanghai International Studies University Guo Shuyong(郭树勇), A/Dean/Prof. Wang Cungang(王存刚), A/Prof. Zhong Zhenming(钟振明), Secretary/Dr. Wu Xia(武霞)

my final homework in tongji